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home sweet sonoma

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About the Book

Superstitious, type-A executive, Kitty Taylor, is about to celebrate the greatest achievement of her career with her brilliant lover-lawyer, Nick Dylan, at her side. But when bad news hits the office, Nick races to New York to salvage the deal of a lifetime, forcing their personal lives to take a back seat, yet again.

With life in limbo, an omen compels Kitty to follow a chain of events, luring her to the wine country to celebrate her mother's 70th birthday. But as she steps foot in the door, she witnesses an event which proves that magic doesn’t really exist after all.

Stuck in a crumbling old church that her mother calls home, Kitty is faced with a vineyard bursting with ripe fruit, and must learn to nurture her feminine side, one grape at a time. Luckily, her mother’s rock-solid handyman, Daine Shepherd, who lives on the property, is just the one to help her do it. As Kitty resists, he gently persists, and their attraction grows by the day. She is not only forced to reconsider her relationship with Nick, but her urban lifestyle with all its fringe benefits. Dwelling in the luscious and slow wine country, she finds herself looking in all kinds of surprising places for the love she didn’t even realize she needed.

This wine country romance goes best with a glass of Chardonnay (or Cabernet), so kick back, relax, and follow Kitty on a soulful journey where she learns to trust her instincts and discover what she most wants out of life.

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